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What separates a consultant from an expert is perspective and the ability to channel a company's inherent means to achieve a realistic goal. The methodology that the consultant employs to accomplish the goal can be simplified into four stages.


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Business Support Solutions focuses on supporting individuals & businesses to achieve their full potential through a comprehensive range of services. Our service brings you all your Business Support needs...

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Business development is a broad term applied to the process of strengthening ties with existing clients as well as cultivating customers in other sectors of the consumer market. In order to accomplish this goal

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Business Strategy must steer a course between the inevitable internal pressure for business continuity and the demands of a rapidly changing world and make a clear distinction between strategic action and strategic plans.

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We provide free intial advice and then costed solutions including low cost business development and rapid growth programmes tailored for start-up, growth businesses, charities and social enterprises. As well as the these prorammes, business advice and training if you want we will link you up with credible and professional services delivered by ourseleves or our acredited partners, again making sure that everything  joins up and works togther in your business.








To formulate a basic business strategy, try this as a simple exercise: take a piece paper and at the bottom, write a brief account of where the business is now. Then at the top, write where you want the business to be in ‘x’ amount of years (you decide the period). Next, in between the two write what you need to do and when you to do it to get from the bottom of the page to the top. This exercise shouldn’t take more than an hour.

Why should anyone seek to be creative? Creativity is full of risks and uncertainties. There is the risk of failure. There is the need to persuade others. There is a need for political skills. It is much better to sit quietly and do what you are supposed to do.

Contact Info

KLW Services

Phone: 0845 699484